Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Neverending Story Turning Points Essay

Defining moments Battle for the Ivory Tower In the novel The Neverending Story, the fight for the Ivory Tower between the two heroes; Bastian and Atreyu is a significant occasion to the plot of the novel. They were doing combating for the ownership of the Childlike Empress’ talisman, AURYN: Atreyu attempted to guard himself with his own blade. Be that as it may, used by Bastian, Sikanda cut in two and struck Atreyu in the chest. Blood erupted from the vast injury. Atreyu stumbled back and toppled from the divider (Ende 370). The fight for the Ivory Tower is a significant occasion to the plot of the novel ecause one of the significant characters in the story is wounded. Bastian is so haughty and childish that he cut his own companion to make sure he could keep AURYN for himself and be the Childlike Emperor of Fantastica. Atreyu just removed the special necklace so Bastian wouldn’t lose any longer of his recollections. In any case, Bastian was excessively self ingested to understand that Atreyu was just attempting to support him. The fight for the Ivory Tower is likewise essential to the advancement of Bastian as a character. Bastian experienced a change because of the fight. He began furious at Atreyu:Bastian pointed his blade at the stack of blazing vestiges and his voice split as he proclaimed: â€Å"This is Atreyu’s doing! For I will seek after him as far as possible of The world! † (Ende 371-372). In any case, Bastian started to feel remorseful about what he had done: Over and over he experienced the second when Atreyu had set the purpose of his blade to his chest. What's more, just because he wondered why Atreyu dithered. Why, after all that had occurred, couldn’t he force himself to strike bastian and take AURYN forcibly? Also, out of nowhere Bastian thought of the injury he had caused n Atreyu and the look in Atreyu’s eyes as he stunned and fell (Ende 375-376). After Bastian pondered the repulsive wrongdoing he ha d submitted, he came to understand that what he did was off-base. Atreyu dithered on the grounds that he felt compassion toward his companion much after all that Bastian had done to him. Bastian changed from being angry at his companion for the harm he had caused to feeling regretful for egotistically wounding Atreyu. The fight for the Ivory Tower additionally added to the message that what Bastian did to Atreyu was off-base and he ought to be dishonorable, â€Å"His triumph left him with an itter taste in his mouth, and yet he felt fiercely triumphant† (Ende 371). What Bastian did was an egotistical and unpleasant intention for somebody who is simply attempting to support him. This occasion gets over the message that in spite of the fact that Bastian vanquished Atreyu, he ought to be monstrously disrespected of the repulsive thing he did. The City of Old Emperors The City of Old Emperors is a significant occasion in the plot of the novel. In the City of Old Emperors, Bastian realizes what befalls the entirety of the people who come to Fantastica and attempt to crown themselves Emperor:Bastian saw a kid with an overwhelming mallet attempting to drive nails into a couple of socks. A chubby man was attempting to past postage stamps on cleanser bubbles. They continued blasting, however he continued blowing new ones (Ende 381). The City of Old Emperors is a significant occasion in the plot of the novel since that is the place Bastian discovers that in the event that he keeps making wishes, he will lose the entirety of his recollections. Without any recollections, Bastian can’t make any longer wishes. Without any desires, AURYN vanishes. On the off chance that AURYN vanishes, at that point Bastian will wind up in the City of Old Emperors with no memory of anything.The City of Old Emperors is additionally imperative to the advancement of Bastian as a character. Bastian experienced a change when he found out about the City of Old Emperors. He began exce ptionally confounded: For some time Bastian stood still. He was so dazed by what he had recently heard that he couldn’t choose what to do. Every one of his arrangements had crumpled at one stroke (Ende 384). When Bastian understood that he was exploiting Moon Child’s forces and AURYN, he considered what he had done to Atreyu at the fight for the Ivory Tower: Bastian delved into the earth with both hands.When the opening was large enough, he unslung the blade Sikanda and put it in. â€Å"Sikanda,† he said. â€Å"I am withdrawing from you until the end of time. Never again will anybody draw you against a companion. Nobody will discover you until what you and I have done is forgotten† (Ende 385). After Bastian indeed contemplated the frightful thing he had done to Atreyu, he found that the correct activity was covering Sikanda until the end of time. Bastian changed from being confounded and uncertain of what he ought to do straightaway, to somebody who knew precisely what the best activity is.The City of Old Emperors added to the message that Bastian discovered that he was utilizing AURYN to make such a large number of wishes: Batstian watched a man who had washed a mirror and was beginning to shave it. When that may have struck him as entertaining; presently it made him break out in gooseflesh (Ende 380). Since Bastian has made numerous desires, he has lost a great deal of recollections from his own reality. Seeing the man attempting to shave a mirror since he had no recollections, gave Bastian goose pimples since he is stressed that it could transpire. This occasion gets over the message that Bastian has discovered that he has made an excessive number of wishes.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rene Descartes free essay sample

Rene Descartes was a splendid man. His deals with reasoning, material science and arithmetic are still intensely impacted a lot to these investigations today in our cutting edge world. Descartes was conceived in March 31, 1596 in La Haye, France; he was named after one of his back up parents, Rene Bruchard des Funtaines. Descartes guardians were Joachim and Jeanne Descartes, he likewise had one sibling and one sister and two half kin. Growing up Descartes had medical problems â€Å"infirmity of the lungs, (Rene Descartes). At the point when he was taken a crack at school around eight years old at Jesuit school La Fleche in Anjou he had authorization to wake up at eleven toward the beginning of the day rather than prior like the various school kids, with respect to his delicate wellbeing. Descartes saved this day by day schedule for nearly an amazing remainder he accepted that, â€Å"the best way to great work in science and to save his wellbeing was never to permit anybody to cause him to get up in the first part of the prior day he felt slanted to do as such; a sentiment which I annal to help any student into whose hands this work may fall, (A Short Account of the History of Mathematics’). Descartes left school at around 1912 and they started to contemplate law at Poiters, and graduated with distinction for his degree and permit in law, in spite of the fact that he didn’t seek after a law degree. In 1617 Descartes decided to join the military as opposed to the congregation; He served in the military of Prince Maurice of Orange and afterward Breda. He was to a greater degree a hired soldier for the Catholics and Protestants. One day in pre-winter of 1618, Descartes was strolling near and saw a Dutch bulletin, which spiked his interest; and by karma the individual he halted was Isaac Beckman. Beckman was a profoundly instructed Dutch rationalist; he interpreted for Descartes consequently if Descartes would work out the issue. Following several hours passed, fascinated by Descartes, Beckman â€Å"sparked his enthusiasm for arithmetic and the New Physics, he inferred that his genuine way in life was the quest for genuine astuteness and science, (seventeenth Century Mathematics-Descartes). † During his recreation time in the military, Descartes contemplated science; in November tenth eleventh, 1619 he had a progression of dreams that he accepted is one or the most significant days of his life. The dreams he had were his first thoughts of new way of thinking and his works of logical geometry. He kept on serving in the military under his family customs and impact and was convinced to chip in under Count de Bucquoy in the military of Bavaria, and afterward he surrendered his bonus in 1621. Descartes went all through pieces of Europe for a long time still simply offering himself to arithmetic in 1628 while dwelling in France he met Cardinal de Berulle, the organizers of the Oratorians. Berulle adored his discussion with Descartes, â€Å"and he urged Descartes to commit his life to the investigation of truth, (Rene Descartes-Biography). For the home twenty years Descartes lived in disengagement in Holland and made standard outings to France. Over the span of time Descartes composed a bit of his assortments, â€Å"Le Monde†, he didn’t need it to be distributed in that time; in light of the fact that the Catholic church had consumed all of Galileo’s Dialog C oncerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632) and him in house capture. Descartes had lived in dread something very similar could transpire on the off chance that he didn’t compare with the principles. However he was book â€Å"Le Monde† was distributed numerous years after the fact. Regardless of not having the option to discharge that book, he wrote another book in 1633 and was distributed in 1937. â€Å"In 1637 Descartes distributed Optics, Meteorology, and Geometry, an assortment of expositions. The introduction to the assortment is titled Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences, (Rene Descartes-Biography). † â€Å"La Geometrie† is the thing that his commitment to arithmetic is as yet utilized till this day. Before his revelation mathematicians utilized capital letters (A,B,C) for known amounts in logarithmic documentation and obscure amounts were lower case letters (a,b,c). In the â€Å"La Geometrie† he gave his thoughts and as opposed to utilizing capital and lower cases letters, he moved it to only (a,b,c) as know amounts and (x,y,z) for obscure. In that time he additionally in verbal articulation of types, for example, â€Å"square, 3D square at etc†, he supplanted it with numeral superscripts. Descartes contended that, For the square of a size didn't contrast from it in kind, as a geometrical square varies from a line, rather, the square the 3D shape and all forces contrasted from the base amount just in the quantity of â€Å"relations† isolating them separately from a typical unit amount. Descartes â€Å"rule of signs† a law given for deciding if the quantity of positive or negative genuine underlying foundations of polynomials â€Å"Descartes’ â€Å"rule of signs† doesn't give the arrangement of a polynomial condition, yet it gives data on the quantity of positive and negative underlying foundations of the polynomial, (seventeenth Century Mathematics-Descartes). † He likewise proposed in â€Å"La Geometrie† that each point in a two measurement structure can have two numbers on a plane, giving an even and vertical areas; which is known as Cartesian directions. He utilized opposite lines (or tomahawks) crossing at a point called the starting point, to gauge the even (x) and vertical (y) areas, both positive and negative, in this way adequately jumping the plane into four quadrants, (seventeenth Century Mathematics-Descartes). † With the Cartesian Coordinates, Descartes demonstrated that the x and y hub bolstered basic conditions of straight lines, to increasingly complex directions of conditions with various examples. For instance y=x2+4 is a bend parabola. Descartes was all the more broadly known as a scholar giving his two sense in things and seeking after to maintain reality. He kept on continuing adding to his assortments of composing Meditations, Principia Philosophiae and others. In 1649, Queen Christina of Sweden welcomed Descartes to live in Stockholm to coach her in reasoning and she demanded in working with him at 5 toward the beginning of the day; which he was utilized. The early hours and the brutal climate influenced his wellbeing and he kicked the bucket of pneumonia in mid 1650. Other than his incredible arrangement of being named â€Å"the father of present day philosophy† Descartes math commitments are estimation of us today. His concept of the Cartesian organize is in our scientific number crunchers and the directions are what we use in math in practically all evaluation levels. Without Descartes impact types wouldn’t have been as straightforward, and furthermore having the option to decide positive and negative genuine roots. Descartes thought everything can be identified with math and that there was constantly an answer, regardless of whether it was nonexistent numbers as well. His commitments in every aspect of studies helped molded the cutting edge considers. Rene Descartes was a splendid man in fact.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

EP 05 Student Mental Health, Signs Solutions

EP 05 Student Mental Health, Signs Solutions EP 05: Student Mental Health, Signs, Symptoms, Strategies, and Solutions EP 05: Student Mental Health, Signs, Symptoms, Strategies, and Solutions Welcome to Episode #5 of The Homework Help Show. In this episode, we shifted gears and discussed student mental health. Our Host and Top Writer Cathe Anne discussed mental health, why its important, common mental health challenges, signs/symptoms and more. Strategies and resources to address mental health issues like anxiety and depression were provided. The Homework Help Show is our brand new show where we will teach, assist, and offer valuable insights on different topics related to students academic and personal lives. Want your questions answered? Ask your questions on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] My name is Cath Anne. I am weekly host of Homework Help Globals The Learning Studio. (To Instagram Viewers): Hi, CoachKaur and Danielli. This week we are going to talk about mental health. The last couple of weeks we focused mainly on discussing academic content. Week three we discussed how to create a killer thesis statement and then in week four we discussed how to do academic research appropriately. (To Instagram Viewer): Yes, we meet again Coach Kaur and the Neighborly Consultant. You guys are getting to be regulars. Cath Anne: [00:01:01] Im just going to confirm that I live on Facebook. I believe I am. This week we wanted to do a little bit more geared towards student life so we wanted to discuss specifically student mental health and go a little bit more in-depth because the first couple of weeks we briefly touched on getting into the routine of things as a student as well as how to take care of yourself. Cath Anne: [00:01:43] Mental health is such a major issue I wanted to go a little bit more in-depth into that topic especially since there have been a couple of articles that came out recently just before the university season started. Just before the season started I think it was around October or so, there were quite a few well three that I saw off the top of my head articles that came out. There was one in the Star, there was one in the Globe Mail, and there was one in the Guardian, I believe. Those are all Canadian publications. The articles were written around mental health and how there is this increasing dilemma with student mental health. The articles specifically focused on university students who are running into issues when they start university. These students realize that they are experiencing a mental health concern. As such the universities are having difficulty keeping up with the need for resources because there seemed to be an unprecedented number of students coming forward with some mental health concerns. In this case, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss mental health as it relates to university students. Cath Anne: [00:03:12] As Ive mentioned in the past my background is in social work. So it is something that I feel comfortable speaking about. Certainly, Im not going to indicate that I know everything on this topic or that I could even provide counseling or anything in this venue. But at the same time I can provide some resources and some information around specific mental health issues. So if that sounds good to you I hope that you will continue to view because I have some good content for us this week. Cath Anne: [00:03:52] First of all I wanted to get into some statistics. I think that when were talking about issues numbers can help to frame things. It is helpful to discuss how many people are actually affected by mental health concerns. Mental health indirectly affects everyone because at some point or other we are all going to come in contact with someone who has had a mental health concern or is currently experiencing something. Cath Anne: [00:04:26] So I think its really important to be aware that that is an issue and because mental illness is becoming less and less stigmatized especially in Canadian society. People are being more open about their experiences, which is great, but that means that we also have to be able to provide them with support in the appropriate ways if they do come forward and make note that they have a mental health concern. Cath Anne: [00:04:57] Most likely all of us have encountered someone who has a mental health issue whether they are explicit about it or not. To give you an idea, every year one in five Canadians experiences some kind of mental health condition whether its an extreme mental health condition. Extreme mental health issues are less prevalent statistically. Issues like anxiety and depression are more common. Just to note, mental health can affect anyone of any age. In my experience as a social worker I worked with young people had mental health diagnoses. I also worked with youth, people in their 20s as well as older people who all had these types of diagnoses. Mental health concerns really dont it really discriminate in terms of age. Approximately 8 percent of adults will experience some kind of major depression specifically in their adult life. Thats a pretty big proportion of our population that will go through a mental health condition at some point. So how common is it? These are a few more statistics I wont go to in depth but anxiety disorders affect 5 percent of the household population in Canada. Important to note is that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in Canada. Cath Anne: [00:06:43] Sometimes its difficult to talk about a topic like suicide but in my training and as many of you may know its important to discuss. Suicide is a reality and it is something that people experience. It is something that we need to discuss because if we dont then that silences peoples experiences and they may be less likely to come forward if theyre having those kinds of thoughts and less likely to get the support they need. So its important to bring that out in the open. Of course it is a myth that if you talk about suicide its going to be more likely for someone to go forward with their thoughts. That is a complete myth. If you talk about it actually opens the door to people being able to talk about it as well. So its really important that thats something that we do discuss although it might be a hard topic. I mean you may need some training around how to support someone but really when someone is having these kinds of feelings a lot of times what they need is so meone to listen to them and someone to give them the support they need. What I am saying comes from research and training in the field of social work. There is a program called ASIST. It is a suicide support training program that I took. The program training indicates that speaking out about suicide or asking someone directly if theyre having suicidal thoughts can actually help them to access the support they need. So that is all I will say with that for now but just wanted to make sure that we cover the importance of discussing suicide. Cath Anne: [00:08:48] As I mentioned mental health concerns could affect anyone. It can be a combination of biological, social, economic factors that culminate in an illness. Another important thing to note is that mental illness is an illness. Its just like any other illness. Its not just something that people feel in their own mind. Its a real legitimate illness and its something that should be treated as an illness. Sometimes people need to go on medication. Other times they dont and they can do counseling or learn other kinds of coping strategies like meditation. However, all of these strategies depend on the person and their experience of the illness. Cath Anne: [00:09:49] (To Instagram Viewers): I dont want to ramble on if anyone wants to jump in with any questions or anything. Im open to that as well. Im not sure this kind of is a heavy topic but I think its an important one to talk about in light of those articles that I read. Has anyone seen any of those articles in The Guardian or Globe and Mail? They just tell the stories of different students who have experienced mental health issues and I think its really powerful to share those stories especially in those larger publications so that people can be aware of those issues. I guess Ill just jump into the next topic. Cath Anne: [00:10:44] (To Instagram Viewer): Kaur, no I havent heard that depression would be the number one issue in 2020. Really? Where did you hear that? Did it give any statistics as to why that was the case? Instagram Viewer: [00:11:01] Social Work program a few years ago. More societal pressures. Cath Anne: [00:11:11] Oh Coach Kaur, were you in social work? Oh wow. Something in common. Amazing. . Cath Anne: [00:12:14] To move on, I wanted to go over some of the factors in students lives that could contribute to a mental health concern. So specifically when I was reading through some of the research they dont know there isnt really much evidence yet as to what causes people to experience a mental health issue in contemporary society because like I said its a combination of a variety of different factors and there seems to be an increase. The literature points to the fact that there is an increase in people experiencing mental health conditions. However, there are some theories out there and I wanted to talk about those in relation to student mental health in particular. Cath Anne: [00:13:13] So one of the factors which was cited in the literature is that when students are first beginning school for the first time as young people theyre leaving their family home for the first time and theyre transitioning to living on their own. That also means that theyre leaving their support network, theyre leaving their home that theyre used to being in, and they are faced with different pressures around trying to live on their own while trying to do a university degree as well. That transition can be really challenging to balance all at once. Keep in mind also that early adulthood is a time when people do develop mental health conditions. Onset of these conditions generally occurs in early adulthood, which is the time when people would be transitioning to university. So thats one of the factors, which has been cited. Cath Anne: [00:14:22] As well, substances such as alcohol and different drugs can be more prevalent in university lifestyles. It might be that it is a persons first time experimenting with drugs or alcohol and that can lead to exacerbating factors, which creates mental health condition if someone is vulnerable to developing a mental health condition. In addition to being away from their family in a new place and then if they do engage in substances and they have an underlying vulnerability that can result definitely in a mental health crisis or condition developing. People may feel isolated. They might not know where to access mental health support. They might not have those other networks like their family, their friends and a job that they might have left back home. Cath Anne: [00:15:25] So all of those factors can culminate to potentially trigger a mental health issue. Instagram Viewer: [00:15:33] A lot of alcohol reliance on the part of students to distress in my law school. Cath Anne: [00:15:40] Definitely. I would definitely agree with you there. Alcohol can be used to as a coping mechanism for a lot of people. If people are stressed they may resort to using alcohol as a means to cope with that. Then of course if theyre already stressed and anxious alcohol or drugs and mental health kind of butt heads and they dont go together very well. That can be the challenge because a lot of times you cant separate mental health and addictions. That isnt to say that drinking alcohol on occasion is an addiction. Certainly if you are having a lot of stress and youre using alcohol to cope with your stress it can become problematic. Cath Anne: [00:16:58] One of the resounding factors that came out in the research was the fact that mental health is becoming less stigmatized. I would suggest that that is true in relation to anxiety and depression. However, I think that other kinds of mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder continue to be quite misunderstood because there are a lot more complex and they result in more kind of behavioral presentations which can be challenging. In terms of anxiety and depression I think that because they are more common people tend to relate to them and understand them a little bit better. In turn that means that people are accessing more support. The problem with that and that which was cited in these articles is that universities are having difficulty responding to the need for student support around mental health so theyre needing a lot more funding and a lot more dollars to be able to put towards providing thorough mental health services. As well when youre experiencing a mental health condition its not just going to go away by taking some medication and attending one counseling session. Its generally an ongoing process its something that you need to work out on a daily basis and develop positive coping mechanisms. Sometimes it can be quite tumultuous when youre figuring out how to balance your life with also experiencing a mental health condition. I think that its great that mental health or mental illness is becoming less stigmatized. But at the same time I think that theres a lot more research and resources that need to be provided to be able to address the issue on a holistic level. (To Instagram Viewer): You agree. Thank you Coach Kaur. Cath Anne: [00:19:21] I wanted to also discuss something thats very important which is how do you tell if its a mental health condition or if its just stress. As I mentioned I think in episode one or two we all experience stress is a natural reaction for the body to have. But at the same time when stress becomes too much and you are unable to cope youre unable to attend class on a regular basis. Or it starts to affect your daily activities that might be an indicator of a mental health condition. Now I want to make note, not everyone has a mental health condition or a diagnosable mental health problem but its very important to be aware of the factors which would contribute to a mental health condition. So you know if someone has left home for the first time they have a huge course load and they start drinking alcohol and then not participating in their volleyball club that they were really passionate about. There might be some red flags there that would indicate a mental health condit ion. Cath Anne: [00:20:33] So as I mentioned there are two kinds of major mental health conditions which were seeing more and more often which are anxiety and depression. They are separate conditions however they cant go together. So someone can experience bouts of anxiety and then bouts of depression. Sometimes a person may feel both sensations in the same day and they might be experiencing depression in the morning and then later on in the day they might experience anxiety. When those issues happen that would be considered a mood disorder. They may not be diagnosed with depression or anxiety they may have a mood disorder. Cath Anne: [00:21:28] I wanted to delineate the difference between the two. Anxiety is a group of mental health disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms such as fast heart rate and shakiness. So its kind of like chronic worry but more pronounced and anxiety can cause physical reactions, as I noted. It can also cause you know racing thoughts, thinking low of yourself, low self-esteem. Things like that can all go along with experiencing anxiety. . Cath Anne: [00:22:17] Second, I wanted to discuss two different types of depression. Theres major depression which is major depressive disorder is characterized by a fairly lengthy period of time at least two weeks during which a person feels sad or hopeless or lacks focus in life on a daily or almost daily basis. This condition is associated with many other symptoms, which can have repercussions emotionally, socially, professionally and in other significant areas of life. Both anxiety and depression can be very challenging disorders. Cath Anne: [00:22:53] There is also seasonal depression which is experienced a lot by people in the locations where there is not a lot of natural sunlight. So people will experience it during the wintertime. I know that where Im from here on the east coast we get a lot of gray. We dont have a lot of sunlight during the winter months so that can cause people to feel really down in the dumps and depressed. Thats called seasonal depression or SAD. It is actually quite common. Cath Anne: [00:23:30] SAD affects three to five percent of Canadian adults. As I noted anxiety and depression can be coexistent mental health conditions. In this sense, another factor which is important to recognize whether its a mental health condition or just general stress is that the condition lasts more than a week or two weeks if it is mental health related. Its usually a period of six months or so just because in order to get a diagnosis a lot of times it will have to last that long and have a lasting impact on your day to day functioning. Instagram Viewer: [00:24:22] All Toronto winters. Yes, I learned about SAD. Cath Anne: [00:24:25] Its a huge issue. I feel like more people on regular basis tell me that they experience it. And I dont know if thats like I said because were becoming more open to discussing those things or if its becoming more common. Its really hard to say. I think its a combination of a variety of factors for sure. Cath Anne: [00:24:58] Anxiety can kind of play out in different ways as well. You might experience nausea, trembling, fatigue, muscle tension, headache. In terms of more behavioral issues you might experience excessive worry, feelings of heightened stress, purposeful isolation. So youre staying away from social situations because youre having difficulty being in in social situations, difficulty sleeping. You many have insomnia because you cant stop thinking. You dont eat or you over eat to cope. Then of course as we discussed earlier that can also be exacerbated by the use of substances. Cath Anne: [00:25:45] Depression has some indications as well. A person may feel sad or hopeless. They might say they might express, Oh Im feeling sad or Im not feeling like myself right now or I dont feel like hanging out with my friends. They may say things like, I feel guilty or I feel like Im dragging everybody down and I feel like Im a burden. So those are things that might indicate that someone maybe isnt just having a down day. Maybe theyre experiencing depression. As well people often experience physical symptoms in relation to depression. So someone might not even realize theyre experiencing depression but they might have a really bad back pain or muscle aches. They might feel like theyre sick all the time or have headaches. Those can be indications of a mental health condition. So just be aware of that because some people dont actually experience any mental symptoms, although it is a mental disorder, it is presenting in their body. If someone has depression they might also feel like they cant get up off the couch they just want to lay around all day. They arent motivated to do things that they once loved to do. Depression also makes you feel differently. It makes you feel indecisive. You dont really care about what decision you want to make. It can affect your memory. You might start forgetting things every once in a while because youre just not invested in the day to day functions. Someone might express that theyre feeling like theyre moving in slow motion. Or that they cant catch up. They may feel like theyre not doing a good job. Like at work they might feel like theyre not putting their best foot forward or they might express that maybe they still are doing that but theyre having feelings of low self-esteem because depression is dragging them down. Instagram Viewer: [00:28:19] The mind body relation is true. Cath Anne: [00:28:19] (To Instagram Viewer): Coach Kaur, it is so true. Its so true. I feel like we dont give it enough credit sometimes because its so important to recognize that everythings connected. Instagram Viewer: [00:28:34] Loved this episode. Thanks a lot. Great information. Anxiety is tough for sure. Cath Anne: [00:28:39] Thanks The Neighbourly Consultant, I appreciate it. Anxiety is tough and I feel like we all kind of experience anxiety to some extent. Some people are fortunate enough not to experience it but I feel like a level of anxiety is part of being human in some ways. Thank you for the comment. So of course I wanted to give a few kind of strategies to address mental health conditions. Cath Anne: [00:29:12] My top recommendation or my top tip for this is really if you are experiencing one or more of any of the symptoms that I have made note of, if youre feeling not yourself if you feeling like you cant get off the couch, if youre feeling like youre not putting your best foot forward or youre down in the dumps all the time or youre crying excessively. If youre if you cant sleep on a regular basis or if youre over eating and maybe its not something you notice but maybe its something that you maybe a friend says something to you or maybe you just dont feel right. Cath Anne: [00:29:58] I highly recommend getting the support that you need. All that looks like is reaching out to a friend. But if its more serious if youre starting to have thoughts of suicide. If youre really feeling impaired, if youre feeling like you cant go to work in the morning or you cant go to class please, please access appropriate support. That might look like it going to your counselor on campus. All the universities specifically in Toronto have counseling services available on campus and you can go and access support and talk to a counselor. I cant emphasize enough how important it is and I know even though were starting to de-stigmatize mental health it can still be really scary to access support and to walk into an office and talk to someone but if youre having an issue with mental health and its really starting to get to you specifically if youre having thoughts of ending your own life, please get some support. You dont have to do it alone. You can reach out to a fri end and say listen Im having a really hard time can you come with me to the counseling place? If you have a good support network maybe use that because I cant emphasize enough how important it is to get support. Everyone deserves to be here. Everyone deserves to stay happy and healthy and live their lives in a happy and fruitful way. Instagram Viewer: [00:31:58] Those that dont have anything [mental health condition] think that people are making things up. Anxiety is looked down upon I believe. Cath Anne: [00:32:05] (To Instagram Viewer): Yes I would agree with you there, Coach Kaur. Anxiety can be looked down upon and depression as well. Cath Anne: [00:32:13] As Ive been saying it is becoming a little bit less of a stigma to having mental health, but youre right it can be scary to say that you have a mental health condition or youre experiencing anxiety or experiencing these feelings because it makes you feel very vulnerable. If you are if you are a person with anxiety it can almost make you more anxious to have to talk about it. So I think youre right, there are you know anxiety is still a challenging thing to explain to someone. So please accept support. As I noted just go on your universitys website and typing counseling mental health and resources should come up. Also, make sure youre pacing yourself if you are in university and youre taking five courses maybe consider taking a few less. Im not advocating withdrawing from courses but if its going to help you take care of yourself consider how you can lighten the load. There is no use in taxing yourself when you are going through something. You may need a little b it more space to pace yourself. Its really important to keep in mind. Cath Anne: [00:34:01] Also I find keeping a routine can be generally productive for people that are going through a mental health condition or experiencing a mental health issue because keeping a routine helps you have predictability. If youre someone that experiences anxiety then you wont have to worry as much about what your day is going to look like. Cath Anne: [00:34:33] If youre experiencing depression having a routine helps you get up in the morning and helps you not stay in bed all day when you have something to be accountable to. Cath Anne: [00:34:47] If you are experiencing any mental health issues try to avoid alcohol and drugs because they can only exacerbate the issue a lot of time. Although it is probably super tempting to engage in that kind of behavior it can just make things more difficult. So try to avoid indulging in alcohol and drugs. Cath Anne: [00:35:08] If you think that you are experiencing some kind of mental health problem and then make sure youre getting enough sleep so a lot of times when if someone is experiencing depression they might feel like theyre getting too much sleep. But thats the body telling you what it needs. So listen to your body if you feel like you need a lot of sleep. Then get some more sleep. Give yourself that space. With anxiety if youre not getting enough sleep at night. Just make sure that youre taking care of yourself and kind of compensating for that. Cath Anne: [00:35:47] Im going to wrap it up by saying that there are lots of resources out there if youre interested. I put some of the resources that I found on our Facebook link in the description so if you are experiencing a mental health crisis or going through something that you need support for please take a look at these resources. You can look up the Canadian Mental Health Association. They have tons and tons of information on this stuff. Cath Anne: [00:36:21] If you want to look a little bit more in-depth about whether you think you have anxiety or depression they have kind of a breakdown of some of the symptoms and signs to watch for on that website so check that out. Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada is another good resource. Health Canadas mental health section. Thats from the Government of Canada. Like, I said searching counseling on your university website is also a great option because a lot of times when youre a student and you pay tuition you can access counseling services for free and otherwise they are really quite expensive unless you go through public mental health. When youre paying for counseling out of pocket it can be anywhere from 100 to 150 dollars a session so take advantage of those resources while youre in university especially if youre going through something. There are also options for an option for crisis lines so if you are in an immediate crisis and youre feeling like you just need to talk to someone, there are a lot of phone lines that you can call a lot of 1 800 numbers just to talk to someone and they can refer you to an appropriate counselor. They can also give you some counseling over the phone and some support over the phone if you just need someone to talk to you right away. And I put those in our description in the Facebook Live description. Cath Anne: [00:38:04] Also, not to be too serious but I do think it is something that we need to be serious about. If you are having imminent thoughts of suicide or ending your own life please call 9 1 1. If you have a plan set in place make sure that you call 9 1 1 and access the support you need. We want you here and you need to get support because you deserve to still be here. Cath Anne: [00:38:32] I hope this has been helpful. (To Instagram Viewer): Coach Kaur, I see your back thank you for coming back even though your phone died. I appreciate your support. So that is all I have for this week. And I hope that is helpful. This is a topic, as you can tell, that Im very passionate about. Everyone deserves to be here. If sometimes it doesnt seem like life is worth it, remember that it is and we all want to here. So please if you need support access support. Thank you so much to everyone for joining us this week. We have a number of platforms that we are on now. So if youre interested in this content you can access it on Facebook and Facebook Live. Were also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. Were on Google Plus and YouTube. Were on Medium. We contribute blog posts, I believe on a weekly basis, to Medium. We are also on SoundCloud and Anchor, iTunes and Google Play Music. So this session is recorded and provided on YouTube and then all of those podcasting platfo rms as well. Just look at up Homework Help Global The Homework Help Global Learning Studio and we will be there. If you do have any questions around any topics related to academics, student life, mental health, relationships, or personal lifestyle that we can give guidance on certainly give us a shout. You can use the hashtag #askHHG. Cath Anne: [00:41:04] You can also contact us through any of those other mediums as well Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter might be the most accessible for folks but I encourage you if you enjoy this content to check us out on YouTube. Give us a Like and Subscribe. Also like and subscribe on the other podcasting platforms such as SoundCloud and Anchor. I really appreciate you taking the time to join us this week. As a note this is something thats really near and dear to my heart and I appreciate the conversation and comments. As always I appreciate you being here. So thank you so much and I will see you next week. Take care. EP 05 Student Mental Health, Signs Solutions EP 05: Student Mental Health, Signs, Symptoms, Strategies, and Solutions EP 05: Student Mental Health, Signs, Symptoms, Strategies, and Solutions Welcome to Episode #5 of The Homework Help Show. In this episode, we shifted gears and discussed student mental health. Our Host and Top Writer Cath Anne discussed mental health, why its important, common mental health challenges, signs/symptoms and more. Strategies and resources to address mental health issues like anxiety and depression were provided. The Homework Help Show is our brand new show where we will teach, assist, and offer valuable insights on different topics related to students academic and personal lives. Want your questions answered? Ask your questions on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:05] My name is Cath Anne. I am weekly host of Homework Help Globals The Learning Studio. (To Instagram Viewers): Hi, CoachKaur and Danielli. This week we are going to talk about mental health. The last couple of weeks we focused mainly on discussing academic content. Week three we discussed how to create a killer thesis statement and then in week four we discussed how to do academic research appropriately. (To Instagram Viewer): Yes, we meet again Coach Kaur and the Neighborly Consultant. You guys are getting to be regulars. Cath Anne: [00:01:01] Im just going to confirm that I live on Facebook. I believe I am. This week we wanted to do a little bit more geared towards student life so we wanted to discuss specifically student mental health and go a little bit more in-depth because the first couple of weeks we briefly touched on getting into the routine of things as a student as well as how to take care of yourself. Cath Anne: [00:01:43] Mental health is such a major issue I wanted to go a little bit more in-depth into that topic especially since there have been a couple of articles that came out recently just before the university season started. Just before the season started I think it was around October or so, there were quite a few well three that I saw off the top of my head articles that came out. There was one in the Star, there was one in the Globe Mail, and there was one in the Guardian, I believe. Those are all Canadian publications. The articles were written around mental health and how there is this increasing dilemma with student mental health. The articles specifically focused on university students who are running into issues when they start university. These students realize that they are experiencing a mental health concern. As such the universities are having difficulty keeping up with the need for resources because there seemed to be an unprecedented number of students coming forward with some mental health concerns. In this case, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss mental health as it relates to university students. Cath Anne: [00:03:12] As Ive mentioned in the past my background is in social work. So it is something that I feel comfortable speaking about. Certainly, Im not going to indicate that I know everything on this topic or that I could even provide counseling or anything in this venue. But at the same time I can provide some resources and some information around specific mental health issues. So if that sounds good to you I hope that you will continue to view because I have some good content for us this week. Cath Anne: [00:03:52] First of all I wanted to get into some statistics. I think that when were talking about issues numbers can help to frame things. It is helpful to discuss how many people are actually affected by mental health concerns. Mental health indirectly affects everyone because at some point or other we are all going to come in contact with someone who has had a mental health concern or is currently experiencing something. Cath Anne: [00:04:26] So I think its really important to be aware that that is an issue and because mental illness is becoming less and less stigmatized especially in Canadian society. People are being more open about their experiences, which is great, but that means that we also have to be able to provide them with support in the appropriate ways if they do come forward and make note that they have a mental health concern. Cath Anne: [00:04:57] Most likely all of us have encountered someone who has a mental health issue whether they are explicit about it or not. To give you an idea, every year one in five Canadians experiences some kind of mental health condition whether its an extreme mental health condition. Extreme mental health issues are less prevalent statistically. Issues like anxiety and depression are more common. Just to note, mental health can affect anyone of any age. In my experience as a social worker I worked with young people had mental health diagnoses. I also worked with youth, people in their 20s as well as older people who all had these types of diagnoses. Mental health concerns really dont it really discriminate in terms of age. Approximately 8 percent of adults will experience some kind of major depression specifically in their adult life. Thats a pretty big proportion of our population that will go through a mental health condition at some point. So how common is it? These are a few more statistics I wont go to in depth but anxiety disorders affect 5 percent of the household population in Canada. Important to note is that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in Canada. Cath Anne: [00:06:43] Sometimes its difficult to talk about a topic like suicide but in my training and as many of you may know its important to discuss. Suicide is a reality and it is something that people experience. It is something that we need to discuss because if we dont then that silences peoples experiences and they may be less likely to come forward if theyre having those kinds of thoughts and less likely to get the support they need. So its important to bring that out in the open. Of course it is a myth that if you talk about suicide its going to be more likely for someone to go forward with their thoughts. That is a complete myth. If you talk about it actually opens the door to people being able to talk about it as well. So its really important that thats something that we do discuss although it might be a hard topic. I mean you may need some training around how to support someone but really when someone is having these kinds of feelings a lot of times what they need is so meone to listen to them and someone to give them the support they need. What I am saying comes from research and training in the field of social work. There is a program called ASIST. It is a suicide support training program that I took. The program training indicates that speaking out about suicide or asking someone directly if theyre having suicidal thoughts can actually help them to access the support they need. So that is all I will say with that for now but just wanted to make sure that we cover the importance of discussing suicide. Cath Anne: [00:08:48] As I mentioned mental health concerns could affect anyone. It can be a combination of biological, social, economic factors that culminate in an illness. Another important thing to note is that mental illness is an illness. Its just like any other illness. Its not just something that people feel in their own mind. Its a real legitimate illness and its something that should be treated as an illness. Sometimes people need to go on medication. Other times they dont and they can do counseling or learn other kinds of coping strategies like meditation. However, all of these strategies depend on the person and their experience of the illness. Cath Anne: [00:09:49] (To Instagram Viewers): I dont want to ramble on if anyone wants to jump in with any questions or anything. Im open to that as well. Im not sure this kind of is a heavy topic but I think its an important one to talk about in light of those articles that I read. Has anyone seen any of those articles in The Guardian or Globe and Mail? They just tell the stories of different students who have experienced mental health issues and I think its really powerful to share those stories especially in those larger publications so that people can be aware of those issues. I guess Ill just jump into the next topic. Cath Anne: [00:10:44] (To Instagram Viewer): Kaur, no I havent heard that depression would be the number one issue in 2020. Really? Where did you hear that? Did it give any statistics as to why that was the case? Instagram Viewer: [00:11:01] Social Work program a few years ago. More societal pressures. Cath Anne: [00:11:11] Oh Coach Kaur, were you in social work? Oh wow. Something in common. Amazing. . Cath Anne: [00:12:14] To move on, I wanted to go over some of the factors in students lives that could contribute to a mental health concern. So specifically when I was reading through some of the research they dont know there isnt really much evidence yet as to what causes people to experience a mental health issue in contemporary society because like I said its a combination of a variety of different factors and there seems to be an increase. The literature points to the fact that there is an increase in people experiencing mental health conditions. However, there are some theories out there and I wanted to talk about those in relation to student mental health in particular. Cath Anne: [00:13:13] So one of the factors which was cited in the literature is that when students are first beginning school for the first time as young people theyre leaving their family home for the first time and theyre transitioning to living on their own. That also means that theyre leaving their support network, theyre leaving their home that theyre used to being in, and they are faced with different pressures around trying to live on their own while trying to do a university degree as well. That transition can be really challenging to balance all at once. Keep in mind also that early adulthood is a time when people do develop mental health conditions. Onset of these conditions generally occurs in early adulthood, which is the time when people would be transitioning to university. So thats one of the factors, which has been cited. Cath Anne: [00:14:22] As well, substances such as alcohol and different drugs can be more prevalent in university lifestyles. It might be that it is a persons first time experimenting with drugs or alcohol and that can lead to exacerbating factors, which creates mental health condition if someone is vulnerable to developing a mental health condition. In addition to being away from their family in a new place and then if they do engage in substances and they have an underlying vulnerability that can result definitely in a mental health crisis or condition developing. People may feel isolated. They might not know where to access mental health support. They might not have those other networks like their family, their friends and a job that they might have left back home. Cath Anne: [00:15:25] So all of those factors can culminate to potentially trigger a mental health issue. Instagram Viewer: [00:15:33] A lot of alcohol reliance on the part of students to distress in my law school. Cath Anne: [00:15:40] Definitely. I would definitely agree with you there. Alcohol can be used to as a coping mechanism for a lot of people. If people are stressed they may resort to using alcohol as a means to cope with that. Then of course if theyre already stressed and anxious alcohol or drugs and mental health kind of butt heads and they dont go together very well. That can be the challenge because a lot of times you cant separate mental health and addictions. That isnt to say that drinking alcohol on occasion is an addiction. Certainly if you are having a lot of stress and youre using alcohol to cope with your stress it can become problematic. Cath Anne: [00:16:58] One of the resounding factors that came out in the research was the fact that mental health is becoming less stigmatized. I would suggest that that is true in relation to anxiety and depression. However, I think that other kinds of mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder continue to be quite misunderstood because there are a lot more complex and they result in more kind of behavioral presentations which can be challenging. In terms of anxiety and depression I think that because they are more common people tend to relate to them and understand them a little bit better. In turn that means that people are accessing more support. The problem with that and that which was cited in these articles is that universities are having difficulty responding to the need for student support around mental health so theyre needing a lot more funding and a lot more dollars to be able to put towards providing thorough mental health services. As well when youre experiencing a mental health condition its not just going to go away by taking some medication and attending one counseling session. Its generally an ongoing process its something that you need to work out on a daily basis and develop positive coping mechanisms. Sometimes it can be quite tumultuous when youre figuring out how to balance your life with also experiencing a mental health condition. I think that its great that mental health or mental illness is becoming less stigmatized. But at the same time I think that theres a lot more research and resources that need to be provided to be able to address the issue on a holistic level. (To Instagram Viewer): You agree. Thank you Coach Kaur. Cath Anne: [00:19:21] I wanted to also discuss something thats very important which is how do you tell if its a mental health condition or if its just stress. As I mentioned I think in episode one or two we all experience stress is a natural reaction for the body to have. But at the same time when stress becomes too much and you are unable to cope youre unable to attend class on a regular basis. Or it starts to affect your daily activities that might be an indicator of a mental health condition. Now I want to make note, not everyone has a mental health condition or a diagnosable mental health problem but its very important to be aware of the factors which would contribute to a mental health condition. So you know if someone has left home for the first time they have a huge course load and they start drinking alcohol and then not participating in their volleyball club that they were really passionate about. There might be some red flags there that would indicate a mental health condit ion. Cath Anne: [00:20:33] So as I mentioned there are two kinds of major mental health conditions which were seeing more and more often which are anxiety and depression. They are separate conditions however they cant go together. So someone can experience bouts of anxiety and then bouts of depression. Sometimes a person may feel both sensations in the same day and they might be experiencing depression in the morning and then later on in the day they might experience anxiety. When those issues happen that would be considered a mood disorder. They may not be diagnosed with depression or anxiety they may have a mood disorder. Cath Anne: [00:21:28] I wanted to delineate the difference between the two. Anxiety is a group of mental health disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms such as fast heart rate and shakiness. So its kind of like chronic worry but more pronounced and anxiety can cause physical reactions, as I noted. It can also cause you know racing thoughts, thinking low of yourself, low self-esteem. Things like that can all go along with experiencing anxiety. . Cath Anne: [00:22:17] Second, I wanted to discuss two different types of depression. Theres major depression which is major depressive disorder is characterized by a fairly lengthy period of time at least two weeks during which a person feels sad or hopeless or lacks focus in life on a daily or almost daily basis. This condition is associated with many other symptoms, which can have repercussions emotionally, socially, professionally and in other significant areas of life. Both anxiety and depression can be very challenging disorders. Cath Anne: [00:22:53] There is also seasonal depression which is experienced a lot by people in the locations where there is not a lot of natural sunlight. So people will experience it during the wintertime. I know that where Im from here on the east coast we get a lot of gray. We dont have a lot of sunlight during the winter months so that can cause people to feel really down in the dumps and depressed. Thats called seasonal depression or SAD. It is actually quite common. Cath Anne: [00:23:30] SAD affects three to five percent of Canadian adults. As I noted anxiety and depression can be coexistent mental health conditions. In this sense, another factor which is important to recognize whether its a mental health condition or just general stress is that the condition lasts more than a week or two weeks if it is mental health related. Its usually a period of six months or so just because in order to get a diagnosis a lot of times it will have to last that long and have a lasting impact on your day to day functioning. Instagram Viewer: [00:24:22] All Toronto winters. Yes, I learned about SAD. Cath Anne: [00:24:25] Its a huge issue. I feel like more people on regular basis tell me that they experience it. And I dont know if thats like I said because were becoming more open to discussing those things or if its becoming more common. Its really hard to say. I think its a combination of a variety of factors for sure. Cath Anne: [00:24:58] Anxiety can kind of play out in different ways as well. You might experience nausea, trembling, fatigue, muscle tension, headache. In terms of more behavioral issues you might experience excessive worry, feelings of heightened stress, purposeful isolation. So youre staying away from social situations because youre having difficulty being in in social situations, difficulty sleeping. You many have insomnia because you cant stop thinking. You dont eat or you over eat to cope. Then of course as we discussed earlier that can also be exacerbated by the use of substances. Cath Anne: [00:25:45] Depression has some indications as well. A person may feel sad or hopeless. They might say they might express, Oh Im feeling sad or Im not feeling like myself right now or I dont feel like hanging out with my friends. They may say things like, I feel guilty or I feel like Im dragging everybody down and I feel like Im a burden. So those are things that might indicate that someone maybe isnt just having a down day. Maybe theyre experiencing depression. As well people often experience physical symptoms in relation to depression. So someone might not even realize theyre experiencing depression but they might have a really bad back pain or muscle aches. They might feel like theyre sick all the time or have headaches. Those can be indications of a mental health condition. So just be aware of that because some people dont actually experience any mental symptoms, although it is a mental disorder, it is presenting in their body. If someone has depression they might also feel like they cant get up off the couch they just want to lay around all day. They arent motivated to do things that they once loved to do. Depression also makes you feel differently. It makes you feel indecisive. You dont really care about what decision you want to make. It can affect your memory. You might start forgetting things every once in a while because youre just not invested in the day to day functions. Someone might express that theyre feeling like theyre moving in slow motion. Or that they cant catch up. They may feel like theyre not doing a good job. Like at work they might feel like theyre not putting their best foot forward or they might express that maybe they still are doing that but theyre having feelings of low self-esteem because depression is dragging them down. Instagram Viewer: [00:28:19] The mind body relation is true. Cath Anne: [00:28:19] (To Instagram Viewer): Coach Kaur, it is so true. Its so true. I feel like we dont give it enough credit sometimes because its so important to recognize that everythings connected. Instagram Viewer: [00:28:34] Loved this episode. Thanks a lot. Great information. Anxiety is tough for sure. Cath Anne: [00:28:39] Thanks The Neighbourly Consultant, I appreciate it. Anxiety is tough and I feel like we all kind of experience anxiety to some extent. Some people are fortunate enough not to experience it but I feel like a level of anxiety is part of being human in some ways. Thank you for the comment. So of course I wanted to give a few kind of strategies to address mental health conditions. Cath Anne: [00:29:12] My top recommendation or my top tip for this is really if you are experiencing one or more of any of the symptoms that I have made note of, if youre feeling not yourself if you feeling like you cant get off the couch, if youre feeling like youre not putting your best foot forward or youre down in the dumps all the time or youre crying excessively. If youre if you cant sleep on a regular basis or if youre over eating and maybe its not something you notice but maybe its something that you maybe a friend says something to you or maybe you just dont feel right. Cath Anne: [00:29:58] I highly recommend getting the support that you need. All that looks like is reaching out to a friend. But if its more serious if youre starting to have thoughts of suicide. If youre really feeling impaired, if youre feeling like you cant go to work in the morning or you cant go to class please, please access appropriate support. That might look like it going to your counselor on campus. All the universities specifically in Toronto have counseling services available on campus and you can go and access support and talk to a counselor. I cant emphasize enough how important it is and I know even though were starting to de-stigmatize mental health it can still be really scary to access support and to walk into an office and talk to someone but if youre having an issue with mental health and its really starting to get to you specifically if youre having thoughts of ending your own life, please get some support. You dont have to do it alone. You can reach out to a fri end and say listen Im having a really hard time can you come with me to the counseling place? If you have a good support network maybe use that because I cant emphasize enough how important it is to get support. Everyone deserves to be here. Everyone deserves to stay happy and healthy and live their lives in a happy and fruitful way. Instagram Viewer: [00:31:58] Those that dont have anything [mental health condition] think that people are making things up. Anxiety is looked down upon I believe. Cath Anne: [00:32:05] (To Instagram Viewer): Yes I would agree with you there, Coach Kaur. Anxiety can be looked down upon and depression as well. Cath Anne: [00:32:13] As Ive been saying it is becoming a little bit less of a stigma to having mental health, but youre right it can be scary to say that you have a mental health condition or youre experiencing anxiety or experiencing these feelings because it makes you feel very vulnerable. If you are if you are a person with anxiety it can almost make you more anxious to have to talk about it. So I think youre right, there are you know anxiety is still a challenging thing to explain to someone. So please accept support. As I noted just go on your universitys website and typing counseling mental health and resources should come up. Also, make sure youre pacing yourself if you are in university and youre taking five courses maybe consider taking a few less. Im not advocating withdrawing from courses but if its going to help you take care of yourself consider how you can lighten the load. There is no use in taxing yourself when you are going through something. You may need a little b it more space to pace yourself. Its really important to keep in mind. Cath Anne: [00:34:01] Also I find keeping a routine can be generally productive for people that are going through a mental health condition or experiencing a mental health issue because keeping a routine helps you have predictability. If youre someone that experiences anxiety then you wont have to worry as much about what your day is going to look like. Cath Anne: [00:34:33] If youre experiencing depression having a routine helps you get up in the morning and helps you not stay in bed all day when you have something to be accountable to. Cath Anne: [00:34:47] If you are experiencing any mental health issues try to avoid alcohol and drugs because they can only exacerbate the issue a lot of time. Although it is probably super tempting to engage in that kind of behavior it can just make things more difficult. So try to avoid indulging in alcohol and drugs. Cath Anne: [00:35:08] If you think that you are experiencing some kind of mental health problem and then make sure youre getting enough sleep so a lot of times when if someone is experiencing depression they might feel like theyre getting too much sleep. But thats the body telling you what it needs. So listen to your body if you feel like you need a lot of sleep. Then get some more sleep. Give yourself that space. With anxiety if youre not getting enough sleep at night. Just make sure that youre taking care of yourself and kind of compensating for that. Cath Anne: [00:35:47] Im going to wrap it up by saying that there are lots of resources out there if youre interested. I put some of the resources that I found on our Facebook link in the description so if you are experiencing a mental health crisis or going through something that you need support for please take a look at these resources. You can look up the Canadian Mental Health Association. They have tons and tons of information on this stuff. Cath Anne: [00:36:21] If you want to look a little bit more in-depth about whether you think you have anxiety or depression they have kind of a breakdown of some of the symptoms and signs to watch for on that website so check that out. Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada is another good resource. Health Canadas mental health section. Thats from the Government of Canada. Like, I said searching counseling on your university website is also a great option because a lot of times when youre a student and you pay tuition you can access counseling services for free and otherwise they are really quite expensive unless you go through public mental health. When youre paying for counseling out of pocket it can be anywhere from 100 to 150 dollars a session so take advantage of those resources while youre in university especially if youre going through something. There are also options for an option for crisis lines so if you are in an immediate crisis and youre feeling like you just need to talk to someone, there are a lot of phone lines that you can call a lot of 1 800 numbers just to talk to someone and they can refer you to an appropriate counselor. They can also give you some counseling over the phone and some support over the phone if you just need someone to talk to you right away. And I put those in our description in the Facebook Live description. Cath Anne: [00:38:04] Also, not to be too serious but I do think it is something that we need to be serious about. If you are having imminent thoughts of suicide or ending your own life please call 9 1 1. If you have a plan set in place make sure that you call 9 1 1 and access the support you need. We want you here and you need to get support because you deserve to still be here. Cath Anne: [00:38:32] I hope this has been helpful. (To Instagram Viewer): Coach Kaur, I see your back thank you for coming back even though your phone died. I appreciate your support. So that is all I have for this week. And I hope that is helpful. This is a topic, as you can tell, that Im very passionate about. Everyone deserves to be here. If sometimes it doesnt seem like life is worth it, remember that it is and we all want to here. So please if you need support access support. Thank you so much to everyone for joining us this week. We have a number of platforms that we are on now. So if youre interested in this content you can access it on Facebook and Facebook Live. Were also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. Were on Google Plus and YouTube. Were on Medium. We contribute blog posts, I believe on a weekly basis, to Medium. We are also on SoundCloud and Anchor, iTunes and Google Play Music. So this session is recorded and provided on YouTube and then all of those podcasting platfo rms as well. Just look at up Homework Help Global The Homework Help Global Learning Studio and we will be there. If you do have any questions around any topics related to academics, student life, mental health, relationships, or personal lifestyle that we can give guidance on certainly give us a shout. You can use the hashtag #askHHG. Cath Anne: [00:41:04] You can also contact us through any of those other mediums as well Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter might be the most accessible for folks but I encourage you if you enjoy this content to check us out on YouTube. Give us a Like and Subscribe. Also like and subscribe on the other podcasting platforms such as SoundCloud and Anchor. I really appreciate you taking the time to join us this week. As a note this is something thats really near and dear to my heart and I appreciate the conversation and comments. As always I appreciate you being here. So thank you so much and I will see you next week. Take care.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Security Threats Of Network Security - 1412 Words

As the technology is growing the security threats are also increasing at higher rate. So, as to protect an organization from such network security threats severe actions and several steps have to be taken by network security administrators. In any large organization that is having large number of big servers, firewalls and interconnected network of hundreds of computers, security is one of the most important aspects so as to secure its network from intruders. Within the organization, all the computers and devices are interconnected in a LAN network or using a WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). So, the most important task of network security administrator to secure its internal as well as external network from intruders because there are several ways intruders can sniff the network and resulting in heavy loss of data. There are several threats that can affect network security of an organization such as: Wireless Sniffing, DoS (Denial of Service), sniffing of VoIP network, trojans and unauthorized access to FTP server. Wireless Sniffing and potential measures to secure wireless Networks In today’s business scenario, within the organization most of the operations taken place over a wireless network such as transferring data between systems using wireless, accessing internet and sending Mails over Internet. Large number of rooters is used for providing internet access and wireless access to computers. Consider a situation, in which if one of the network get sniffed byShow MoreRelatedSecurity Threats Of Network Security1412 Words   |  6 PagesAs the technology is growing the security threats are also increasing at higher rate. So, as to protect an organization from such network security threats severe actions and several steps have to be taken by network security administrators. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Details of Topics Essay Writing Austin Community College Esol

Details of Topics Essay Writing Austin Community College Esol Topics Essay Writing Austin Community College Esol Help! ALL work and assignments have to be complete and a passing grade has to qualify for an incomplete. Office hours can't be employed to re-teach you exactly what you missed in class. Our department features ASL levels 5 and 6 to provide you a more comprehensive and linguistic comprehension of ASL. Be present in class for the whole class periodif you should use the restroom or find some water, please ask to get excused. It can likewise be useful to post the key in a very visible area of your classroom. To summarise, it's a fantastic chance to go abroad to study but it is necessary to have an excellent teacher and to be focussed on learning or you may waste your time, and a fortune. In planning for the end of the essay, the students should choose the chance to reaffirm their position. Show that you are aware of how to handle challenges and overcome barriers. Please see me if you're interested in these supplementary pursuits. He was not happy about that. Participation Everyone is expected to take part in class each and every day. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to earn the reader want to go over the interesting persuasive essay topics of your pick. The ideal topic for your essay is one which is aligned with your field of study. In the event the essay is structured around an issue, it is often appropriate to terminate the essay by offering solutions to that issue and outlining potential consequences if those solutions aren't followed. Your essay is your private statement. The standard of your topic will choose the grading of the paper. Another good idea is to receive some totally free essay examples of different sorts and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a thriving debatable paper looks. This place is genuinely an extraordinary destination whenever you wish to enhance an essay and your writing abilities. The only rule to follow when picking a topic for your college essay is to select the topic you're eager to write about. There are topics which you think you can handle and then there are those you feel you could wind up writing a bad essay on. Ask your teacher if you happen to have any suspicions about the subject you have selected. If you are searching for college essay examples, here's a great one below. Admission to Austin College is quite competitive. Bear in mind it is not unusual for students to need to repeat this training course. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. 01 Jul 2018 It is extremely crucial for students to get ready for their college application essay properly. For the ESL student, the last edit is essential. It's simple to look for current job opportunities provided by a College or District office. This will let them enjoy writing and encourage a strong urge to keep learning. 1 technique that's particularly helpful in essay writing is repetition. Occasional errors could be present but don't impede communication. Therefore, when assessing basic writing assignments, it can be useful to concentrate on correcting mechanical errors. New Ideas Into Topics Essay Writing Austin Community College Esol Never Before Revealed It's one final opportunity to check form and meaning. Needless to say, you can decide on any topic, nobody could possibly know that you're describing experience that you never actually had, but don't forget that it is always simpler to tell the truth than to invent lies. It's time to lay out your essay's principal purpose and find the ball rolling! The description of someone you admire. Your essay should reveal your n ature and your finest assets. It is not important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. It ought to be within your field of study and range of your academic level. By following a number of essential rules, accurately assessing the organization and fashion of a bit of writing can be done without causing an excessive amount of stress. What You Need to Know About Topics Essay Writing Austin Community College Esol In addition, it involves a quite considerable effort on the portion of the student. The buildings are extremely outdated and might use a great remodeling. It was prepared from existing policies and data obtained from the correct ACC officials. As students become accustomed to the marking abbreviations, it is going to be comparatively simple for them to pinpoint what sorts of errors they're making and in which specific areas they should improve. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Identity Defined Through Happiness Free Essays

Happiness defined results from the possession of or attainment of what one considers good. It does not come from a set of circumstances that have occurred in our lives; instead it results from a set of attitudes and emotions that we feel. In today’s world, how many of us can actually admit to having found true happiness? Not many. We will write a custom essay sample on Identity Defined Through Happiness or any similar topic only for you Order Now In George Saunder’s book, â€Å"Civil War Land in Bad Decline,† specifically his story, â€Å"Bounty,† two groups of individuals, the Normals and the Flaweds, struggle in the pursuit for happiness. In their effort to achieving this, their personal identity is greatly compromised and therefore defined by their income or economical class. Satisfaction/happiness today, seems like a never-ending journey filled with false motivations to achieving it, such as freedom, money, love, or materialistic needs, and justified by futile hope and the degrading of others. As a result, we forget what we truly want and what truly makes us happy, and redefine our identities through what we think will make us happy. Hope is often futile when searching for happiness because we constantly expect more and want more therefore forgetting what truly makes us satisfied. The one and only thing that the Flaweds used as motivation for their struggles was hope. Saunders describes this hope when the father throws his children over the castle wall in hope for a better life for them. He states, â€Å"He threw us over to save us from death. He believed in people. He believed in the people on the other side of the wall† (p. 137). Because the father â€Å"believed in the people† his children ended up searching for happiness in all the wrong places and degraded themselves in order to survive. They were better off starving to death than living a life of slavery and humiliation. In this example, the father forgot that family was more important; even if it meant watching your children starve. Another source of justification used by us when searching for happiness is the technique of putting others down. The Normals had no other choice but to use the Flaweds as a means of achieving satisfaction. Such cruel treatment is portrayed to us by a slave buyer who states, â€Å"This regimen of daytime beatings and lonely nights will continue until such time as there is nothing remaining of you free will†¦ I will sell you and others of your ilk at tremendous markup† (p. 155-156). The slave buyer’s position in society justifies to him that it is okay to give daily beatings to others in order to use them for your benefit which was the money and eventually in impressing a woman named Carlotta. Therefore, the slave buyer’s false justification compromised his actions and redefined what happiness should be. What we assume will bring us happiness defines who we are. What the Normals thought would bring them satisfaction greatly varied from what the Flaweds described as happiness thus validating the great gap in such classes. The Flaweds wanted to escape their slavery; therefore happiness to them was freedom, which in their world could only be attained if one was a Normal. Saunders reveals Connie’s struggle for happiness when he states, .. She fell for a Client, the Normal son of a transportation mogul†¦ then while touring with his parents, he saw her hunched over†¦ and that was that†¦ Connie’s flaw is a slight, very slight, vestigial tail†¦ she went through a bad depression and tried to sand it off†¦ When she came out she was humiliated and refused to speak† (p. 96-97). To Connie, happiness meant falling in love with a Normal and being considered a Normal, and because she failed in doing so, she tried cutting her flaw off and ended up depressed and humiliated. What made her happy defined who she was, a person who couldn’t appreciate or wear her flaw proudly. The Normals, however, defined their happiness in several different ways because they had the option available for them in doing so. To some Normals, happiness came from money, to some from love, and to a lot of others, materialistic matters. A perfect example of happiness through materialistic needs is the Normal family who make a living out of potatoes. The husband states, â€Å"If you want something nice, you’ve got to get it for yourself. I want a generator for my family. Lights at night. A fan in the summer. And I’m getting them! † (p. 133). The guy had nine kids and a wife and just kept himself busy and working to find his happiness in buying those things. The parents fail to take care of their children and value their family and put all that aside to buy nice things for themselves. Here, their identity is compromised and based on their materialistic needs. Happiness today is described by society as having a great job a nice car and an amazing wardrobe. However we fail to realize that this is not true happiness. The more we have does not equal the more happiness. At the end of â€Å"Bounty,† after Cole finds his sister and makes sure that she is okay, he continues to find something else to do in keeping him busy by joining the rebel group at the end. This is the scary truth that we face in our daily lives. We need to go to college, find a career that will grant us great money, and settle down. At the end we call this happiness. The more we have going for us in our lives, the more content we are. Think about plastic surgery. After fixing one flaw, we discover another, and until we fix all of them, we end up feeling â€Å"happy. † We fail to hold on to what is more important, such as health, family, and security, and cling to what society portrays to us should be happiness. In â€Å"Bounty,† Cole fails to realize from the very start that he was better off in Bountyland with his daily meals and sense of security. We must redefine what happiness is and by doing this, we create a new and better identity for ourselves. How to cite Identity Defined Through Happiness, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Taylors Theory of Scientific Management Essay Example

Taylors Theory of Scientific Management Essay Assignment Topic 2010/11 â€Å"To what extent is Taylor’s theory of scientific management still useful for managers today? † Submission Guidelines Word limit: 1,500 words (10% variation either way accepted) Submission deadline: Monday 13th December 2010 before 10am Submission procedure: †¢ Please submit your assignment in person in hard-copy (do not email your assignment) to the post-box in P28, the Undergraduate Enquiries office, on the ground floor of the Aberconway Building. †¢ Please number your pages and complete the front-sheet overleaf and attach to the front of your assignment. Your assignment must be bound securely, either by stapling the pages together or by placing in a secure plastic folder. Please do not place loose pages in a plastic wallet because they can easily get separated. Assignment Support †¢ The lecture on 16th November will explain more about the format and referencing required for the assignment. †¢ A ‘drop-in’ a ssignment advice session on 30th November is available if you have any brief queries you wanted to ask the lecturer (Note: this is not a lecture and is not compulsory). The final tutorial (weeks commencing 15th Nov and 22nd Nov) will cover two aspects relevant for your assignment: (a) What makes a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ assignment? (b) How do I cite references in my assignment? †¢ You can also ask your tutorial tutor for advice on the assignment. While tutors are unable to read and comment upon complete assignments because of time constraints, we are available to give you advice on essay plans, or specific questions about the course content. †¢ Please email me at [emailprotected] ac. uk if you have any specific queries about your essay plan or about aspects of the course content you did not understand. Note: I am unable to tell you what to put into your assignment, this has to be your own work o Note: I am unable to read through complete assignments due to time constraints, but I am happy to comment on essay plans †¢ The staff in the library will be happy to help you conduct searches of the literature, and find t he sources listed in the reading lists. Reading List †¢ The reading lists for each lecture that is relevant to this assignment [including Taylorism (lecture 2), Hawthorne experiments (Lecture 4), Human Relations (lecture 5), Post-Fordism (lecture 9)] are listed in the module pack. We will write a custom essay sample on Taylors Theory of Scientific Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Taylors Theory of Scientific Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Taylors Theory of Scientific Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They are also listed again on the last slide of each lecture. Note: The page numbers for the reading will change if you have a different edition of the textbook – instead look up the keyword (eg. Taylorism) in the index at the back to find the correct section. †¢ In addition, selected journal articles for each lecture topic have been uploaded to blackboard. Remember the ‘Hierarchy of Sources’ from the first lecture when searching for additional sources for independent reading. HIERARCHY OF SOURCES SCHOLARLY SOURCES Peer reviewed journals Books Chapters from edited Collections TEXT BOOKS Eg. Buchanan Huczynski POPULAR (GURU) MANAGERIAL TEXTS Eg. Collins, J. (2001) Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap†¦and Others Don’t. New York: Harper Business WEBSITES Only use for sourcing the above, or gathering company information, news stories, etc Start with Text Books and then move on to other Scholarly Sources. If you want to do any additional searches, confine yourself to the journals listed below. We have subscriptions to them all via: Cardiff University Website – Education Electronic Subject Resources – Electronic Journals –Cardiff University Electronic Journals Portal. Staff in the library can assist you with searching these journals. You will find some sort of ‘Search within this publication’ button somewhere on each journal site. You can do a number of searches, using different key words as you think appropriate. Academy of Management JournalJournal of Management Studies Academy of Management ReviewJournal of Managerial Psychology Administrative Science QuarterlyOrganization British Journal of Industrial RelationsOrganization Science British Journal of Management Organization Studies Human Resource Management JournalPersonnel Review Human RelationsSociology International Journal of Human Resource ManagementWork Employment Society WEBSITES Be careful! A Google search using the word ‘Taylorism’ produced 99,500 hits when I tried it. Many of these sites are places where you can ‘buy’ an essay online, or other websites of questionable quality like consultancy companies or management associations. Before you cite one of these sources, think carefully about who put the information onto the web, what type of expertise they have and who is funding their activities. The questionable value of Internet sources was illustrated in an assignment that was submitted on last year’s People in Organisations course, when the question was about ‘mentoring’. When describing the benefits of mentoring, one student cited a website describing ‘Lincoln Correctional Centre Mentoring Program’. While the source was correctly referenced, perhaps it wasn’t the best choice of supporting evidence for a business management assignment – it concerned a scheme designed to rehabilitate women prisoners in Nebraska, Canada. http://www. corrections. state. ne. us/news/index. html? topic=detailsnews_id=20 Assignment Front-Sheet (please complete information and attach to the front of your assignment) BS1529 PEOPLE in ORGANISATIONS Name: Student Number: Date: Wordcount:

Friday, March 20, 2020

Is Social Democracy (huber et al 97) desirable Essay Example

Is Social Democracy (huber et al 97) desirable Essay Example Is Social Democracy (huber et al 97) desirable Essay Is Social Democracy (huber et al 97) desirable Essay Is Social Democracy ( Huber et al 97 ) desirable and accomplishable in developing states? Winston Churchill one time proclaimed, â€Å"Democracy is the worst signifier of authorities except for all the others that have been tried† ( Churchill, 2003, 68 ) .Now the intent of this work is non to measure the comparative virtues, booby traps and misdemeanors of democracy as a signifier of political administration. What I will declare at the beginning nevertheless is my house and firm belief that democracy is the best signifier of political building for both authorities and administration available in the universe today, irrespective of its built-in restrictions. There merely exists no other system that is capable of guarding against autocratic absolutism and all the unfortunate features that accompany it. It is this stance of class that Churchill was mentioning to in the above citation, and therefore from this footing I feel it is just to reason that the desirableness of democracy in developing states is unquestionable. What is more at issue here is whether it is accomp lishable. Given this, it will rapidly go evident to the reader that what is offered below focal points far more on the attainability of democracy in developing states than the desirableness. This is calculated, I make no apologies for it and I would remind the reader that this comparative instability is due to my belief that it is the issue of attainability that is the contention here. I to the full appreciate that there presently exists an ever-growing figure in the universe who consider democracy in any signifier to be detestable and abhorrent. Such feelings are frequently espoused by the advocates of Islamic fundamentalism and hence brief consideration is given to this issue and to the impact it has on the planetary spread of democracy. However, this work has been formed on the stipulation that secure democracy is a positive footing on which to build political and societal life. However, an obvious definitional trouble instantly confronts us. When we speak of democracy, to what are we really mentioning? In trying to reply this inquiry we must return to Evelyne Huber et Al, as it is here that we find a unequivocal analysis of differing democratic options and the steps required for successful execution, development and consolidation. In their work, Huber and his co-workers outline three discrepancies of democracy, each one correlating in some signifier or another to the others. The first and most basic is formal democracy, the constitution of which requires four component factors. First, on a regular basis periodic elections that are both competitively contested and free. Second, cosmopolitan grownup right to vote, which one would presume to be a necessary concomitant to the free and just elections. Third, the answerability of the provinces executive administrative maps to those who have been elected as a consequence of the first two factors. Finally, institut ionalised freedom of look and association which is non merely upheld by the province itself, but acts as surety against punitory and jurisprudence braking province actions should they originate ( Huber et Al, 1997, p.323 ) . Huber et Al, right indicate out that this trade name of democracy is one that is often given to provinces that, although their democratic processs are frequently fishy ( Huber et Al, 1997, p.323-324 ) . The 2nd signifier of democracy provided to us by Huber et Al is participatory democracy. Here all the above-named dogmas have to be efficaciously in topographic point and so combined with drawn-out degrees of democratic engagement. Vitally, such engagement must necessitate the inclusion of all changing groups in society, irrespective of issues of ethnicity and category ( Huber et Al, 1997, p.324 ) . Social democracy, the ultimate and concluding stage of this democratic patterned advance involves the being of all the above factors, along with a important and just distribution of the provinces economic and societal capital. It is this province of personal businesss that is the most desirable and best placed to efficaciously vouch just and equal chances, whether they be political, societal or economic. Importantly, as Huber et al note the constitution of formal and participatory democracy is a necessary requirement for the outgrowth and consolidation of societal democracy ( Huber et Al, 1997, p.324 ) . The cardinal dogmas of societal democracy, as laid down by Huber et Al is I believe the base line of what we should see to be to the full a formed and sustainable democratic system. The inquiry that logically follows from this must be, is societal democracy in developing states accomplishable? I believe that it is, provided that its outgrowth and advancement is nurtured by a profound want to better the lives of ordinary people, a procedure that can non be rushed. It is when such foundations are sacrificed in order to keep the economic, strategic and political involvements of the world’s taking democracies that the procedure is impeded. Similarly, speedy hole solutions, nevertheless good motivated are non the reply. The developed democracies have an chance to play an tremendously positive function in the spread of societal democracy in the universes less fortunate states, an chance that is being squandered. It may at first appear that we are sing the zenith of planetary democracy. An averment dullard out in statistics provided byFreedom House, who in 1996 declared that out of the universes 191 official states, 117 were based on a democratic foundation ( Haynes, 2002, p.84 ) . This is the most the universe has of all time enjoyed and would look to ease the March of societal democracy in the underdeveloped universe. However, this democratic revival has non merely been physical, but ideological. Democrats around the Earth have regained their assurance following the evident impairment of dictatorship and anti democratic motions. As Marc Plattner has explained, as a consequence of this impairment, apparent peculiarly in left-of-center political orientations, â€Å"Democracy has no serious geopolitical or ideological rivals† and that â€Å"democracies are widely regarded as the lone truly and to the full modern societies†( Diamond and Plattner, 1996, p.1 ) . However, this image is misdirecting in the extreme. What we are presently sing is in the words of celebrated academic, Professor Samuel P Huntington, a â€Å"third wave† of democratic enlargement around the Earth. The first, or â€Å"long wave† from the early 1820s up to 1926 saw the birth of 29 new democracies. Between 1945 and 1962 the â€Å"second wave† brought a farther 36 states under the democratic mast. The new â€Å"third wave† that is presently taking topographic point is said to hold begun in 1974 with the terminal of dictatorship in Spain, Portugal and Greece. From 1974 up to 1995 ( which of class includes the prostration of the Warsaw Pact communist governments ) 64 states made the move towards some signifier of democracy ( Huntington, 1996, p.3 ) . However, there are two cardinal issues that rapidly curtail any misjudged exultation we may hold about this development. First, the two moving ridges mentioned above both gave manner to change by reversal moving ridges that brought about a considerable decrease non merely in the figure of democracies in the universe, but besides in the sense of hope exhibited among the universes taking democratic advocates. It can hence be practicably argued that the current democratic revival could yield to a similar destiny. Second, the worldwide democratic growing of the last 30 old ages or so has been accompanied by a less publicized but however distressing countertrend. This countertrend is the decrease in degrees of existent freedom, in footings of political rights and civil autonomies. Since the prostration of communism in the states of the Warsaw Pact,Freedom Househas measured that civil autonomies and political rights have remained comparatively dead in the world’s democracies. Between 1992 and 1996 the figure of what are termed â€Å"free states† , ( arguably a more important method of mensurating democratic spread ) merely increased from 75 to 76. Furthermore, the figure of provinces deemed inhibitory or â€Å"not free† byFreedom Househad increased by 15, from 38 to 53 ( Haynes, 2002, p.84 ) . If we conceptualise these developments within the model laid down by Huber and his co-workers it would look that what we are sing is a considerable growing in formal democracy around the universe. However, it is clear that the transitionary development along the predetermined democratic ladder is non taking topographic point. Why is this? Huber et Als have explained in great item the factors that are required in consolidating formal democracy. These include displacements in the power balance between viing categories and the ability to equilibrate the provinces function as maintainer of jurisprudence and order with the rights of persons. They besides highlight the function of international dealingss, peculiarly refering to planetary economic forces ( Huber et Al, 1997, p. 325 ) . These are critical considerations, nevertheless although they do sketch the demand for this procedure to be comparatively bit-by-bit, they fail to pay adequate attending to the fact that the development of so cietal democracy outside of the 3rd universe is the apogee of a procedure that has taken centuries. To propose that the 3rd universe can merely use the tested and tried methods of the developed societal democracies and mirror their institutional make-up as the footing for some sort of bluish print is short sited. What is critical to maintain in consideration is the fact that it is non merely democratic establishments and processs that develop over centuries, but besides democratic civilization. It may good be possible to implement a procedure that brings about the former over a comparatively short period. However, the latter will non of course follow and can non be imposed from above. A democratic civilization non merely gives legitimisation to democratic political procedures and establishments but its very being is necessary in order for democracy, in even its basic formal phase to boom. This is the bosom of the job, and it is the ground why new democracies around the universe are neglecting to develop into the desirable societal signifier. Furthermore, this unfortunate state of affairs is unhappily exacerbated by the actions of the universes taking societal democracies. It appears that the United States in peculiar non merely considers the forced infliction of basic formal democratic proced ures as desirable, but besides as polar in accomplishing the development to societal democracy. No other issue high spots this statement more than the comparatively recent invasion of Iraq. It is unneeded to travel into item sing Washington’s motives for engaging war in Iraq. However, it is adequate to state at this point that pre war intelligence studies of the being of arms of mass devastation were false, something conceded in recent months by both George W Bush and Tony Blair ( Guardian Unlimited, 2005 ) . Therefore, we are left to presume that the overruling ground for the invasion was foremost, to liberate the Iraqi people form the servitude and repression of Sadam Hussein’s government, and secondly to convey about a democratic transmutation in the state. This is surely the line that Washington and London have emphasised continually. Yet in the three old ages that have passed since the beginning of the invasion, autonomous democratic answerability has failed to attest itself in even the most basic signifier. Progression in the signifier of installing of democratic establishments and procedures has been made, but this procedure has been probationary an d marred. Iraq has shown above all else that it merely impossible for an incursive force to play a positively active function in altering the political world of a state that has comparatively no democratic experience. The anticipation made by Samuel Huntington in 1991 that â€Å"A big American deployment in the Gulf, if sustained over clip, would supply an external drift towards liberalisation† ( Huntington, 1996, 6 ) has clearly been shown to be wrong, and in fact democratic hopes in the Middle East are at their lowest point in recent history. Therefore, one-sided American action does more to impede democratic patterned advance in the development universe than aid it. Another index of this is the increased entreaty of Islamic fundamentalism in developing Muslim states all over the universe. Islam itself, contrary to popular myth is absolutely compatible with democracy ( Halliday, 2003, p.116 ) . However, Islamist fundamentalism of the Khomeini assortment is non and American actions are playing a greater function than of all time in the fundamentalist enlisting procedure. Of class this earnestly curtails any wish to see democracy take clasp in such states. Ultimately, as I have already stated, the democratic patterned advance of developed and preponderantly western societal democracies is the consequence of centuries of democratic development. In the instance of Britain, a full an equal franchise, without systematic differences of gender was non enacted until 1928 ( Pearce and Stewart, 1992, 257 ) . Similarly, it took the United States about two centuries to get the better of racial inequality to sufficiency of an extent to even mistily resemble a societal democracy. If Iraq and besides Afghanistan represent a case in point in the effort to distribute democracy on a planetary footing, it makes hapless reading for those who wish to see healthy societal democratic civilizations flourish in the underdeveloped universe. I still feel house in my original strong belief that societal democracy of the sort outlined by Huber et Al is the most effectual manner of organizing political building and societal life. It is hence desirable that such a system should be developed and expanded to embrace as many parts of the Earth as possible. However, we must be highly careful about how this is achieved. The recent planetary democratic revival that has taken topographic point since the mid 1970s is a positive development, but we must non delegate to this probationary advancement the properties of a new morning age. In the terminal developing states must be provided with the forbearance and steady development that marked the outgrowth of societal democracy in the developed universe. The old democracies have a enormous chance to play an active and reciprocally good function in this procedure. However, such a function must ever be motivated by the general concern to break the stuff and societal being of ordinary peop le, and non got the intents of self involvement. When this is achieved we may good be able to talk of a truly planetary democratic civil order, and the universe may travel frontward into a new age, where societal democratic rules form the bedrock of planetary society. Bibliography Clapham, C. ( 1985 )Third World Politics: An Introduction. London: Routledge. Diamond, L A ; Plattner, Marc. erectile dysfunction. ( 1996 )The Global Resurgence of Democracy. Baltimore: John Hopkins. Gerard, D. ( 2000 )Citizenship in a Global Age. Buckingham: Open University. Guardian Unlimited. 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